My happy place: BRIGHTON

I have been really lucky to travel quite a bit with my husband in the course of three years, but never in my life has a city made me feel like the way I felt in Brighton! Not to brag but I have been to few of the loveliest and breathtaking places. As much as I loved visiting those places, none has ever impacted me the way Brighton has. Well, I have always had a thing for beaches. But I reckon, its not just the pebbled beach that has done the trick. Maybe its the cobbled roads, the quirky lanes, the promenade with green bars matching the green sea. The squawking seagulls, the pier, pastel houses or the pavilion? Or maybe its the constant wind and the salty air? Maybe all of these? I can't put my finger on what it is about the city that pulls me to it so much. To sound cliched as ever, it was definitely love at first sight visit.

This place might be fascinating for some, but quintessentially boring for others. I spoke to few friends who had visited; and they gave a contrasting opinion of the place to mine. Well, to each their own I guess. I often dream of us buying a house there. A house/apartment with the view of the sea.  To wake up to the sound of seagulls and the fresh breeze from the sea, is there anything more inviting? I feel this is a city I would never get bored of.

Last summer, we took an impromptu weekend drive to Brighton. We mooched about the lanes and explored the town and just couldn't get enough of it. I definitely got one of my items in the BUCKETLIST ticked off. I got a Tarot card read! Not that I believe in someone predicting my future, but I'm so interested and intrigued by such things. I don't let it get to me either.
If your ever plan to visit, make sure to check Snoopers Paradise, which is a cramped shop in the North Laine and a vintage heaven; and if you do, pop in to the Photo Booth. Trust me, you won't regret it! Here are few of the photos I snapped on our trip last summer.

 Note: Picture heavy post, might take some time to load.

I would definitely be going again this summer. And this time, I'll get a detailed tarot card read for sure!


  1. Oh wow! I'm going to love shopping there 😍 beautiful place

  2. You will love it here . Plus Your Instagram feed will look extra good with the pics you take in Brighton!! :D


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