That time we went river rowing.

On a windy saturday morning, we set out on a bite sized road trip to the beautiful lucid green Oxford. One hour drive through the scenic winding roads, we kept hoping for a no-rain situation to make the most out of an hour or two of rowing through the canals. Sun was playing peekaboo and when we reached, huge grey clouds crept over us. The autumnal chill had set in and it was getting very windy. Contemplating on the choice of the day and escapade, we decided to take the plunge anyway.

We reached the canal and it was flooded with eager bunches waiting to be punted along or to get their bum in the best boat around. It's always so amusing and entertaining to see people try to get their balance as they try and step in the boat and then break into splits of laughter. I mean, who needs to hire a boat when one can sit on the bank and watch that for a good laugh or two.

It was beautiful. We could have gone for the chauffeured punt but instead, got our adventure hats on and decided to take the oars in our hands. I mean, HIS hands. He did all the rowing while i settled in  and steered him through the path.

I'm desperately trying to paint a beautiful picture where we row effortlessly through the gentle waves of the river and everything is magical and musical. But in reality ,we hovered with the boat for half an hour, hit other punts and ducked heads to save our face from branch whiplashes. 

Half an hour in, he got the drift. The rhythm caught in and it became easy, calming and we sort of drifted with the ripples.

We were joined by couple of ducks eager to get fed with bread crumbs and two of these beauties who had absolutely no fear whatsoever.

After handing over the boat, we decided to have a peak inside the botanic garden nearby.


There was an indoor rainforest sorts which has been so beautifully maintained. The ginormous cactus soaring through the sky and touching the roofs prove the same.

Also, the photo above is a gentle nudge to myself to go easy on the cheese and tortilla chips.*runs to get the yoga mat*. And also, a memoir of what getting dressed in the dark looks like. 

We saw so many unique and interesting plants which left us in wonder. Amazing what nature churns out, a reminder that everything and everyone has a purpose in this world.


The place is my idea of what heaven would look like.

I would like to quote a 90 year old grandma who spotted this the same time as me, "Look at the size of that f*cking pumpkin". I let out a laugh. I love cool grandmas.

We reached a greenhouse which screamed Kerala kalyana mandapam. The smell of jasmine was so overpowering that the malayali in me grinned with joy. Also look, bananas. Ah!

Overall, this place is ideal for a first date. Or an outing with family. Or with friends. Or for an anniversary. Basically it fits the bill for everything if you like lush green countryside with a calm river and couple of ducks to keep you company for an hour or two.
You know, nothing screams romantic more than a ride in the boat with a date. I only wish for more swans and it could easily match up to the scene in ‘Notebook’ . Will surely go again next summer. I love me some lush countryside!

August in doodles.

It's been absolute yonks since I last logged in and documented my random musings. These past few months were HECTIC. I've finally taken out some time for myself and gone back to the same old routine where I come up to my loft with a cup of tea and doodle away to music or a movie. Simple pleasures!  There is a lot to be said when it comes to appreciating the smaller and finer details of  everyday mundane. Our house is almost done but we are still drowning in to-do lists. So I've decided to slow down a bit, get my blogging mojo back and get rolling.

Here is August in doodles.

Thats me doing a wee bit of gardening while the mister does most of the sweat draining work. 

 Because paranoid is my surname. Worrying about anything and everything.
Most of August evenings were spent either working on our garden or going to garden centres. Bought more plants than I would ever need. My kind of BONG.

Bake a cake they said. Its therapeutic they said. *Rolls eyes*
We walked through a giant of a park one sunny evening and took in all the calm serenity.

© October born.