A week of chalk doodles!

The love for doodling is something I have had since childhood. Give me a paper and pen and i'll doodle away. I bought a blackboard to hang up and write lists and essentials. But soon enough, I turned it into my doodle station and started filling it with silly and random things whenever I fancied. I posted one of those on my INSTAGRAM last week and the response was pretty good. It sparked an idea for a blogpost and here we are! I did a doodle everyday for a week, capturing the essence of that particular day. Here are the pictures:

Mid-day epiphany

I'm in a coffee shop sipping on a cup of caramel latte. I see people. People with different stories. I see a lady engrossed in a book and lost in the world of letters and words, a new mother trying to comfort a delirious baby, three teenagers in deep discussion; probably about boys and movies, a bespectacled guy sitting in a cozy corner typing away on his laptop like there is no tomorrow.


Celebrating sunshine, blue skies, longer days, daffodils, cherry blossoms and everything SPRING! Pictures taken on a glorious sunny day at the beauteous Reading town by your's truly.

© October born.