Notes to self.

♥ You are NOT perfect. And thats ok. Everyone has dark circles, blemishes and/or some other issue. Real life doesn't come with an airbrush tool. Embrace the flaws because 'perfect' is boring!

 Its ok to cry. Let it out. As they say "The sooner you let yourself cry, the sooner you'll be able to smile again". Being strong for too long and taking it in silence just clutters your mind with anxiety and unwanted insecurities. Its fine to lash out your anger/frustration to whoever concerned; if they have let you down time over time.

♥ Being silent and taking sh*t  does not make you a better person. You are just succumbing to the atrocites done to you by a bad, insensitive soul who cares a rat's ass for you and your feelings. Speak up! People often remain silent in the fear of being perceived as a 'BAD' person. Being strong and taking a stand for yourself does not mean you are bad. It means you respect yourself even if the other person doesn't. Never ever think twice about it.

♥ Real friends always stay. They make an effort to stay. Even if you fight, argue, disagree and ignore each other for weeks. How you feel about them never changes. You love them no matter what.

♥ You don't need someone else to be the driving force of your happiness. Drowning over things which others have done, effects only your peace; not theirs.

♥ Few people never change for the better. Accept that fact and forget about them. Focus on what's important to you. If they continue to put you down and demolish your happiness; LEAVE. They don't deserve you or your time. People who bring out the worst in you are the ones to stay a million miles away from.

 Its ok to cut off people who make you feel bad. They might be good to you when its an impersonal conversation, like chat or texts. If they insult you in person and in front of others; its ok to never talk to those kind of bullies again.

♥ The most important thing is to keep your sanity and peace intact. Its ok to be selfish in that regard. After all; what else do human strive for every sing day of their life.

♥ Do things which make you HAPPY. Be with people who make you LAUGH. Indulge yourself in things which makes you SMILE. BE extra kind to yourself.

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