♥ A whole year can get over in the blink of an eye and the snap of a finger. Don't forget to LIVE. 2014 has been the hardest year. I'm glad its over.
♥ Being misunderstood and being falsely accused hurts like hell. It can give you sleepless nights, an aching heart and a restless mind.
♥ Realising that there is only a handful of people I actually trust and who genuinely care for me, has been an eye opener.
♥ Situations can change people for the worst. Sadly, 2014 has done that for me. I have become intolerant and have developed an averse towards liars. There are times I become extremely blatant, only because diplomacy doesn't work in this dog-eat-dog world. This change is not something I'm particularly proud of.
♥ If you share good things and surround yourself with good people, that positivity goes full circle and comes right back to you. Being around negativity drags you down. Cutting off such people from your life is ok. Be it from your virtual world or real life.
♥ Its ok to let people off the hook when it comes to petty, tolerable things. But when it gets to a point where you have to face facts and stop making excuses for people who are taking advantage of your kindness, cut them loose. You don't need to feel guilty about it.
♥ Judgemental snobbery is something you cannot control. People assume, analyse and dissect every single word you put on social media. Let them. Its their problem, not yours.
♥ I have always been a nervous flyer, but this year I realised that my fear of flying is seriously getting out of hand. I get sleepless, anxious nights around five days before I have to step on a plane. I hate it with a passion. Its high time someone invented a means to teleport? Yes, I think so!
♥ The fact that I cannot change the way few people think of me, still bothers me. I'm still wrapping my head around the issue and making my peace with it. Like they say “You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there's still going to be somebody who hates peaches". You can't please everyone. Get over it.
♥ Finding happiness in silly things still holds good. It is ok if people find it weird and silly. Put on the fairy lights and Harry Potter series and snuggle in a cosy duvet with pizza if its a bad day. It really IS ok.
♥ Do more of what makes you happy.
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